Sunday, 18 October 2009

October 05, 2008 Drugs are bad, mmmkay

Ugh, idiocy on all sides. Stupid residents/gang for pressuring the girl, stupid sister for succumbing to peer pressure and overdosing, but what particularly irks me is the mother. It's not a moral stance, it's brainwashing. Drugs are not evil, and the whole mindset of acting like they are will only encourage people to take them by appeal to their taboo nature. 11 year olds are not idiots - it would be entirely possible to have some degree of logical, nuanced and most of all balanced conversation with her daughter about the positives and negatives of drug use. She could have stopped her hanging out with the other girls because they're too young to be doing drugs, and don't yet understand the consequences or importance of their actions. She could even tell her daughter to wait until she's 18, and old enough to decide for herself. But this self-righteous bullshit totally misses the mark.

"It annoys me when people start talking about kids having the choice not to fall into a gang, because there isn't much choice is there?" said Marie.

"What's the choice? Join in or we'll make your life a total misery?"

Well no. Peer pressure is just that, pressure, not necessity. It is resistable. What's more, it's highly unlikely that everyone else succumbs to it, so why not seek out those who also chose not to take drugs? And if some little brats on the estate are making life hard, then the parents need to step in, or the police if necessary. Just because the community is lax enough to allow some form of mob rule to take hold does not mean you should brainwash your children with one-dimensional, unjustified bullshit.

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