Sunday, 18 October 2009

Butt the fuck out of it

This advert made me so angry I could barely speak or type.

It's entirely the manipulation that makes it disgusting. It's partly the manipulation of the children, who will largely see things in black and white, simplistic terms, and don't appreciate the nuances of such situations. like choice and addiction. It's partly the manipulation of adults who have the legal, social and arguably moral right to choose whether to smoke or not - their body, their decision. You don't see "mum, don't eat so much, I don't want you to die of heart problems" or "mum, don't have so much unprotected sex, I don't your uterus to explode" adverts. So why are smokers villified? It's manipulative because it hinges on an emotional response, rather than a logical or factual one.

It's not the place of adverts to make people want to stop smoking. It's their place to offer help to those who do want to quit.

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